Tuesday, March 16, 2010

6 Months old

I am finding that each age gets better and better! What a beautiful boy God has blessed me with.
Words that come to mind when I think of my son:

He is no trouble and I am so grateful. He has come to a stage in the last few weeks of hardly crying at all... we go days and somethings a whole week before he grizzles about something.

The routine is suddenly starting to really pay off. He is getting near to the 2 up and 2 down for 6 months and it makes life so much better. Until the last few days he has been sleeping at least 2 sleep cycles per nap, even more sometimes. He does wake in the night at times, often when he is learning something, like crawling backwards, which is the latest thing! He woke at 4.30am this morning really hungry so perhaps he is having a growth spurt. It made me question how I have dropped the night feed since he was 5 3/4 months, but he can go without it. I will just up his quantity of solids and see what happens.

Jamison is taking in so much more, reaching for anything close to him, straining to get things just outside his reach and acting like a caterpillar in his sometimes frustrated attempts to crawl. He does mighty push ups on his now much stronger arms and pushes himself backwards gradually, much to his annoyance I think, as he is trying to get something in front of him!!

He giggles and laughs so much, often in response to other people's laughter. He watches me when i laugh at him and will join in. He seems very emotionally cluey at times.

He gives the most beautiful cuddles, especially when he has just got out of bed, twiddling with my hair at the base of my neck as we walk to the other room. Moments like these I will cherish always.

I am so thankful for this privilege to be Jamison's Mum.

1 comment:

  1. I definitely think that it gets better with each age.. someone told me that when my little girl was a baby and I thought 'how can it get better than this' but it does! :) Love reading your thoughts on your life as a mum!
